
Blyss Dehumidifier User Manual

Blyss Dehumidifier User Manual 3,9/5 7567 votes

For your convenience we have collated all the dehumidifier instruction manuals, of dehumidifiers covered on ByeMould and more, in one place.

For all your manuals, instructions and user guides. Below you can view and/or download the English PDF manual of your Blyss WDH-1012EA Dehumidifier. Appliance manuals and free pdf instructions. Find the user manual you need for your home appliance products and more at ManualsOnline. Bmw E46 Sat Nav Tv User Manual. Some people may need to Blyss 12l Dehumidifier Manual a free Windows extension to view BDF Fonts Help file.

Click on the link to read the user guide or click on the review link to read the ByeMould review of that dehumidifier.

Scroll down to see common dehumidifier faults and their solutions.

Meaco Dehumidifier Instruction Manuals

Meaco DD8L (Read Review Here)

Meaco DD8L Junior(Read Review Here)

Meaco DD8L Zambezi(Read Review Here)

Meaco 10L Small Home(Read Review Here)

Meaco 12L / 20L Low Energy(Read Review Here)

Ebac Dehumidifier Instruction Manuals

Ebac 2650e(Read Review Here)

Ebac 2850e(Read Review Here)

EcoAir Dehumidifier Instruction Manuals

EcoAir DD122MK5(Read Review Here)

EcoAir Eco DD122FW(Read Review Here)

EcoAir DD322FW Simple(Read Review Here)

EcoAir DC12(Read Review Here)

Ge Dehumidifier User Manual

EcoAir DC202(Read Review Here)

Instruction Manual

EcoAir Warranty

Delonghi Dehumidifier Instruction Manuals

Delonghi Dem10(Read Review Here)


Delonghi DNC65(Read Review Here)

Prem-I-Air Dehumidifier Instruction Manuals

Prem-I-Air ‘Xtreem 10’(Read Review Here)

Dimplex Dehumidifier Instruction Manuals

Dimplex Forte 10L/16L/20L(Read Review Here)

Above is an extensive list of UK dehumidifier user guides and instruction manuals. We have endeavoured to include the most popular dehumidifiers in the list however if you would like us to include more dehumidifiers simply let us know which dehumidifier manuals you would like to see linked to.

Our email is byemould at gmail dot com.

Also use the above email address if you have any queries about dehumidifiers and we will be happy to help you.

Water Tank Problem

Sometimes the most annoying problems are easily solved and once you know how to solve these problems you can easily rectify them if they do occur again.

The main dehumidifier problem that we hear about is that the ‘tank full’ light lights up and the dehumidifier doesn’t work. Often this problem occurs just after the water tank has been emptied and is not full of water at all!

The solution is very simple of course. In almost all circumstances we have found that the water tank was incorrectly inserted back into the dehumidifier. The dehumidifier will only work if the water tank is fitted properly (to avoid spillage). A simple wiggle and slight push on the water tank normally resolves the problem.

Common Dehumidifier Faults (and Their Solutions!)

The dehumidifier troubleshooting tips below are off a general nature only as each model of dehumidifier differs. If you can’t find a solution to your problem beow then refer to the instruction manual above.

If you can’t fix the problem after refering to the manual then call the manufacturer.

  1. The Dehumidifier does not work

Check to see if the unit is plugged into wall socket. If it’s not then plug it in.

Is the power on in the house? If there’s no power wait for power to come back on.

2. Dehumidifier has stopped dehumidifying

Ensure that the water bucket is empty and fitted correctly (as described above)


Ensure that the air filter is clean (remember the filter should be cleaned every few weeks when the unit is being used often).

Is the temperature of the room too low for the dehumidifier to operate. Compressor dehumidifiers see a large suffering of extraction rates in temperatures off below 10°C while desiccant should work in temeratures down to 1°C due to lack of compressor parts.

Also check to see if the humidity of the room is too low for dehumidifier to operate. If the dehuidiifer was set to dehumidifiy down to 50% RH and the current RH is 47% then the dehumidifier may not function.

3. Dehumidifier works but there’s only very little water in tank

Check to see if the air filter is blocked.

The dehumidifier is too small for the house or room.

Some windows and doors are open providing too much ventiation

4. Can’t remove condensation from windows or condensation has returned

Windows are now colder due to lower outside air temperature. The solution is to run your dehumidifier on full power until the outise air teperature increases.

5. Desiccant dehumidifier gives off burning like smell on first use.

This is normal and is caused by the zeolite burning the room vapours such as perfume, cigarette smoke etc.

The smell will disappear after the first few uses.

6. Dehumidifier blows out warm air

This is entirely normal as dehumidifiers heat air before blowing it back into the room.

7. Knocking noise coming from desiccant dehumidifier

More lubrication is needed on the motor that runs the desiccant wheel.

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The solution is to run the unit in Laundry Mode for two days to increase lubrication. If the knocking sound persists return the unit to the manufacturer with warranty slip if available.

8. Alarm light ‘on’ or flashing

The air flow is impeded so check that the filter is clean. Also ensure that the unit is located away from the wall so that air can swirl around the unit.

Check that the temperature of the room is not too cold for the dehumidifier to operate efficiently.

9. Water not draining down continuous drainage hose

Ensure that the dehumidifier is placed on a level surface and that the hose is fitted properly and not kinked.

Negative air pressure may be pulling the water back up the hose. Fix this by inserting a small hole in the hose 30cm from the dehumidifier to allow extra air in which will remedy the problem.

10. Water is spilling onto the floor

Check that the water tank is not cracked and ensure that the dehumidifier is on a level surface.

11. The fan still runs after I turn my desiccant dehumidifier ‘off’

This is entirely normal.

Do not turn of the unit at the wall socket until the fan has stopped rotating completely.

12. Dehumidifier runs but no air comes out of the unit

The dehumidifier could be in ‘sleep’ mode. Some units have an energy-conservation mode such as the Control Logic feature in Meaco models. When the selected relative humidity has been reached the unit goes to ‘sleep’ until the RH rises. Once the RH rises the machine will wake up and continue working

It is also possible that the fan motor may have burned out. if so, replace the fan motor.

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